Studi Etnofarmasi Tumbuhan Berkhasiat Obat pada Masyarakat Suku Mandar di Desa Mambu, Kecamatan Luyo, Kabupaten Polewali Mandar, Provinsi Sulawesi Barat
Ethnopharmaceutical Study is a part of pharmaceutical science that studies the use of drugs and the way of treatment carried out by certain ethnicities or ethnic groups. One of the tribes that still uses or applies ethnopharmaceuticals is the Mandar tribe of Mambu Village, Luyo District, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi Province. This research uses the Purposive sampling method. A type of research with interview techniques using questionnaire media. Where ethnopharmaceutical data is collected by surveying plants using the media of distributing questionnaires to traditional stores, sandro, and people who have knowledge and experience in using medicinal plants for documentation researchers using cameras and recorders. The study results obtained 39 species, 32 genera, and 25 families of medicinal plants. These results are some of the most widely used plants, including guava leaves, ginger rhizomes, lemongrass stems, cat whisker leaves, and papaya leaves. The results of various medicinal plants used by the people of the Mandar Tribe of Mambu Village can treat ulcers, headaches, antihypertensives, antidiabetics, kidney stones, antipyretics, lumbago, diarrhea, shortness of breath, wounds, cancer, cholesterol, cough, flu and tumors. The leaves are most widely used by the people of the Mandar Tribe of Mambu Village to treat a disease. Whether it’s boiled or ground and then squeezed