Studi Etnofarmasi dalam Pencarian Tumbuhan Obat yang berpotensi sebagai Antihipertensi di Kota Watampone, Kabupaten Bone, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
Medicinal plants used by Indonesian is an alternative treatment for a disease. Watampone is the capital of Bone Regency consisting of three subdistricts, Tanete Riattang Barat, Tanete Riattang, and East Tanete Riattang. The capital is mostly inhabited by Buginese who utilizes medicinal plants to treat various diseases, especially for hypertension. The research aimed to discover the plant species used by local people for hypertension treatment. The research used purposive sampling method and conducted by ethnopharmacy surveying shamans, the community and the community leaders believed to know medicinal plants. The results obtained ten species of ethnopharmaceutical plants, potential as an antihypertensive drug used in a single place